Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth in Davis
Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth Teeth crowding is a condition of misaligned teeth. Your teeth become twisted, overlapped, or bunched up as a result of space shortage. Crowded teeth impact your life in different ways including: Altering your facial appearance Causing discomfort or pain when biting or chewing Biting your tongue or inner cheeks when …
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Invisalign Treatment for Crooked Teeth in Davis
Invisalign Treatment for Crooked Teeth Invisalign is a dental innovation that provides dental patients with a way to straighten teeth discreetly. Invisalign aligners are worn for approximately 22 hours a day and they work on your teeth slowly, moving them into a proper alignment. If you have crooked teeth, you are a candidate for Invisalign! …
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Invisalign in Davis
Invisalign Invisalign refers to a brand name for flexible plastic aligners made of a thermoplastic material used to straighten teeth. Invisalign can correct minor and major teeth alignment problems. For major problems, additional treatment may be needed. For example, if you have crowded teeth your dentist may recommend the extraction of some teeth to fit …
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How Invisalign Works in Davis
How Invisalign works. Invisalign is an effective alternative treatment to metal braces for teeth straightening. It is becoming increasingly popular because of how discreetly it works on your teeth. Invisalign is practically invisible. Invisalign is good at what it does: straightening teeth. Invisalign has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, with severe overbites, metal …
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Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth in Davis
Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth “Crowded teeth” is a dental problem caused by a lack of enough space for teeth to erupt normally which then causes teeth to erupt in an abnormal way. Teeth are overlapped or bunched up. If you have crowded teeth you are bound to experience discomfort, pain, and even embarrassment when …
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Invisalign in Davis
Invisalign Invisalign is a brand name for clear aligners that are worn over a period of time to straighten teeth. Invisalign aligners are removable and do not use wires like traditional metal braces. Invisalign aligners are custom-made for a patient and are supplied in sets with each set worn for approximately 2 weeks. How will …
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How Invisalign Works in Davis
How Invisalign works Invisalign is a teeth straightening treatment. It is a popular alternative to traditional metal braces. Invisalign is practically invisible, so you have probably never seen it on anyone. Invisalign treatment is administered using aligners worn over teeth. The aligners straighten your teeth slightly each day. But how does Invisalign really work? Read …
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Invisalign Treatment for Crooked Teeth in Davis
Invisalign Treatment for Crooked Teeth Crooked teeth can ruin the beauty of your smile. If you have crooked teeth, don’t worry, an Invisalign dentist can help you straighten crooked teeth using Invisalign Braces. Invisalign can treat crooked teeth in children and adults. The beauty of using Invisalign is that they are invisible aligners and aren’t …
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Starting Invisalign Treatment for Adults | Davis CA
For many adults with orthodontic issues, the prospect of wearing conspicuous and unattractive metal braces for months can be very discouraging. Fortunately, there is a discreet and more convenient way to achieve the same results with the Invisalign system. Invisalign provides you with a nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth without affecting your lifestyle. …
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Am I A Good Candidate for Clear Aligners? Davis CA
Clear Aligners use a clear plastic trays that fit over your upper and lower teeth. The aligners gently reposition your teeth to the desired location. This is a modern alternative to traditional braces, however Clear Aligners are not for everyone. A consultation with a clear aligner provider is the only way to determine whether they …
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